Event handling


Jupyter-specific features are not currently supported in pydeck v0.9+.

pydeck provides bidirectional interactions in Jupyter via event handlers, on_hover, on_resize, on_view_state_change, and on_click. Each corresponds to the cursor and view state events in the deck.gl documentation.

When an event triggers these callbacks (like a click on the visualization), data is sent from the frontend to the Jupyter kernel. The data structure varies slightly by handler.

To inspect the payload of a handler, you can print the result to an ipywidgets HTML object.

For a live demo of the handlers, see 03 - Event handlers and data selection in pydeck or run the Jupyter demo locally.

The following code is a snippet from the notebook above, where a view state change triggers a count of visible points.

from ipywidgets import HTML

text = HTML(value='Move the viewport')
layer = pdk.Layer(
    get_position=['lng', 'lat'],
    get_fill_color=[255, 0, 0],
r = pdk.Deck(layer, initial_view_state=viewport)

def filter_by_bbox(row, west_lng, east_lng, north_lat, south_lat):
    return west_lng < row['lng'] < east_lng and south_lat < row['lat'] < north_lat

def filter_by_viewport(widget_instance, payload):
        west_lng, north_lat = payload['data']['nw']
        east_lng, south_lat = payload['data']['se']
        filtered_df = df[df.apply(lambda row: filter_by_bbox(row, west_lng, east_lng, north_lat, south_lat), axis=1)]
        text.value = 'Points in viewport: %s' % int(filtered_df.count()['lng'])
    except Exception as e:
        text.value = 'Error: %s' % e


Cursor events with on_click

Clicking data in a visualization passes the following data back as the payload object in the on_click handler:

    'type': 'deck-click-event',
    'data': {
       'color': {
           '0': int,
           '1': int,
           '2': int,
           '3': int
       'layer': str,  # The layer ID, which you can specify by passing `id=...` to a Layer; `None` if no layer is picked
       'index': int,  # The serial index of the clicked point in the data set; -1 if no layer is picked
       'picked': bool,
       'x': float,  # X coordinate of pixel on click
       'y': float,  # Y coordinate of pixel on click
       'pixel': [float, float],  # Pixel coordinate pair
       'coordinate': [float, float],  # Lat/lon coordinate pair
       'lngLat': [float, float],  # Duplicated information in 'coordinate'
       'devicePixel': [int, int],  # Pixel coordinate pair on device screen
       'pixelRatio': int,
       'object': {
           # Metadata from selected clicked object which varies by layer

The on_hover events are nearly identical in content, with the``type`` value of deck-hover-event. Only hovering over a layer will fire an event and hovering over the basemap alone will not.

pydeck on_click handler

View state change events with on_view_state_change

Zooming in and out, panning, and changing pitch or bearing all constitute view state changes. A view state change event sends a dictionary with the following information as the payload:

    'type': 'deck-view-state-change-event',
    'data': {
        'width': int,
        'height': int,
        'latitude': float,
        'longitude': float,
        'zoom': float,
        'bearing': float,
        'pitch': float,
        'altitude': float,
        'maxZoom': float,
        'minZoom': float
        'maxPitch': float,
        'minPitch': float,
        'nw': [float, float],
        'se': [float, float]

Here nw and se represent the northwest and southeast corners of the current viewport.

pydeck on_view_state_change handler

Resize events with on_resize

Resizing the viewport sends the height and width of the new visualization back as the payload object:

   'type': 'deck-resize-event',
   'data': {
       'width': int,
       'height': int
pydeck on_resize handler